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Theoretical integrative reviews focus on offering reformulation or integration of theories from a wide array of disciplines. Theoretical integrative reviews compare theories to propose why one theory is more compelling than others in a specific context; to suggest an extended or modified conceptualization of an existing theory; or to articulate a new theory that differs significantly from those already established in the literature.
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Integrative Reviews
Clearly described approach to the critical examination of existing theory, a goal not shared by other types of reviews or knowledge syntheses
Well suited for interdisciplinary research as theories from many different domains are includes
Explicitly forward thinking by creating new knowledge, insights, and new theory through integration work
Does not provide a concrete outcome
Will not present a defined, readily applicable, "evidence-based" solution to a specific problem
Product is advancement of theory and not refinement of practice
Requires authors and readers to focus on premises that explain a phenomenon, which is a task often reserved to philosophers and theorists
Lara Varpio is Professor, Department of Pediatrics Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Co-Director of Research in Medical Education The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Varpio’s research uses qualitative methodologies and methods, integrated with theories from the Social Sciences and Humanities, to investigate questions relating to how individuals (e.g. clinicians, patients, researchers, etc.) influence the performance of teams and organizations, and to how those teams and organizations impact on the individual. She also supports the broad medical education community by serving on editorial boards for several medical education journals, as an invited editor for many special editions and thematic articles series in journals, and as a host for the KeyLIME podcast.
Michael J. Battistone is Associate Professor of Medicine and Rheumatology at the University of Utah. He has served as director of the first- and second-year physical diagnosis courses, medicine clerkship, and rheumatology fellowship programs at Utah, and currently is Director of the Advanced Fellowship in Health Professions Education, Evaluation, and Research (HPEER) at the George E. Wahlen Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Salt Lake City. Most recently, Dr. Battistone has enrolled in the doctoral program in Health Professions Education at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, where he is developing a program of research to explore the moral dimensions of medical education.
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